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The Temple Training is a soul Initiation for pioneers of the heart.  We open more deeply into the mysteries of love.   Love of the soul,  love of the dark and the wild love that flows from that place.  We explore the integration of love through the three rings of spirit, soul and embodiment. 


Humanity is vibrating through a life/death portal between worlds. The heart is the guide for this journey. We are calling the pioneers of the heart - those beings willing to go into the unknown together - to open up new trails into the emerging mysteries of group soul initiation.  Wild love in action.


Highden Temple is the birthplace of the Temple Trainings now happening around the globe. 


What is the Temple Training?


The Temple Training is a 6 week immersion at Highden Temple in Aotearoa (New Zealand). It is for those who have already made progress on their path of liberation and embodiment. 


It provides the opportunity to discover and demonstrate together the next step forward in the anchoring of the modern Temple and the cultivation of a new culture. 


This is not just a workshop but an actual living experience in group soul - to be part of the source code of creative, loving, shamanic, ecstatic community.


SOUL INITIATION is the process of shifting your center of gravity to the eternal being that was born to live your life. It involves releasing your personality’s survival mechanisms and falling deeper into the core of this being, the living expression of love and freedom that you are. The soul now shines through the garment of personality, integrating it instead of being hidden by its structure. 


This six week temple training is an environment to support your soul shine to emerge in a sustained and lasting way. It will cost your life as you know it, all the love you can bring and a commitment to the evolution of the planet. And ultimately the willingness to be nothing so you can embrace everything.


When you come to Highden to do your soul work, you are engaging with and supporting a global temple field emerging.




















"This training is the deepest and most integrated soul initiation process I’m aware of in the world focusing on what it means to truly embody your soul in community with others and in connection with the earth and cosmos."   

-Jon Eden Khan


Next Training Commences Sep 23 2024. More info Here:

What is Soul Initiation?
Landing The Temples
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