Time & Location
26 June 2020, 11:00 am – 02 July 2020, 5:00 pm
Land van Lisa, Van Ouwenallerlaan 6, 7157 AZ Rekken, Netherlands
About the event
"There is a wild love that will not satisfy you but destroy you, there is a wild love that will not bring you contentment but tear you open from the inside to reveal nothing less than the fiery face of the universe" Bruce Lyon
It's not really possible to love freely until we are anchored in love itself through the core of our own heart. What does it mean to truly meet others in love and at the same time celebrate their freedom and foster the independent and interdependent expression of the one life they are?
How do we fully honour this individuality while at the same time respecting the sacred journey of relating and the unique field of ‘we’ that is generated whenever two or more of us come together?
What is wild loving – free from the containers and paradigms of monogamy, polyamory, celibacy ? How can we learn to deeply develop and trust the heart to bring us together in ways that we cannot yet imagine ? What is group love and how is this expressing within humanity and the life of the planet?
Wild love relating is for souls who have found their way through the duality of relating to bring about their own inner marriage. It is for those wanting to put the love that they are and know on the altar of a collective inquiry that invites the soul of the world to move through us. As it does so our own individual capacity to love is radically increased and the exponential power of group love is revealed.
This is not a retreat for those primarily focused on their own personal development nor is it for those who do not have a clear sense of their own boundaries and sovereignty. it is for those willing to surrender to the mystery of love, taking full responsibility for how they do that in a way that honours themselves, their relationships and love itself. It is understood that our individual development is accelerated as a byproduct of placing love at the centre rather than personal fears, desires and ideologies.
You can expect teachings, group sharing and processes, temples and ceremonies. You should be comfortable with nakedness and sexual interaction occurring in temple space. You are expected to be able to take care of yourself and not rely on the facilitators to create safety for you by providing a nursery experience appropriate to your level of comfort or development. And we fully welcome your participation at whatever level you feel is right for you. We do not see the workshop so much as a container but a hose through which wild love can flow more freely into the world.
This is not a place to hide, but a fire to expose ourselves raw and naked. We listen to the group soul and heart, navigating the tenderness and wild expression of our beings.
Wild Love Facilitation Team
Bruce Lyon Bruce has been teaching in the area of esoteric wisdom, the tantric arts, cosmology, and universal spirituality for over twenty years. He is on the wisdom council of ISTA, founder of Shamballa School and Highden Temple, a New Zealand mystery school. He is also a published author or six books. www.brucelyon.com www.shamballaschool.org www.ista.life
Winter Jade Icely Winter is an experienced holder of sacred spaces with expertise in the realm of the magical arts, sacred sexuality and dark embodiment. Winter has journeyed with and brought to life the feminine mysteries over the past five years. Her current work is centred around the dark erotic and base mysteries.
Jasmeen Hana Jasmeen is a modern day medicine woman working with Life Force energy and personal empowerment. She supports seekers to transform sexuality and inner/ outer relationship related issues and dysfunction to return to a place of empowered authenticity, innocence, self-worth, embodiment and speaking one’s truth. www.egyptian-templearts.com
Jonathan Ehrilch Is currently in the void and will get back to you with some information on himself soon
Early Bird; (limited) 1600 Euro Standard 1750 Euro
A non refundable deposit of $815 AUD (500 Euro) is required to secure your place. The total amount is paid on the day of the training (no card facilities available cash only)
Location; Land Van Lisa, Netherlands. http://landvanlisa.nl/
For more information contact thesexwitch@gmail.com