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The Temple Training- Earth Mandala

Mon, 28 Sept



Designed to cover all aspects of conscious sacred living. It is for those who have already made considerable progress on their path of liberation and embodiment. The Temple Training provides the opportunity to demonstrate together the next step forward in the anchoring of the modern Temple.

The Temple Training- Earth Mandala
The Temple Training- Earth Mandala

Time & Location

28 Sept 2020, 10:00 am


About the event

The Temples of the World Soul are Landing! 28 September- 6 November 2020 (online, at Highden and wherever you are) 2020 is unfolding as a dynamic living fire. At Highden Temple we had planned the last residential six-week Temple Training, to complete the anchoring of this mystery school. It was planned to begin just after the September equinox in the middle of the two major solstice events that bracket the planetary initiation of 2020. The training was sold out six months ago. Reading the signs of the times in this period of global transformation that is obviously not enough! The world soul is landing simultaneously all over the planet and we are being called to break open the energy of what has been developed here at Highden. Just as the Wild Love event at solstice expanded from one gathering to 100 fires, so the Temple Training must supernova. We are therefore going to make it available in an online mandala form so that people all over the planet can do their soul initiation work together and anchor the temple wherever they are. Those who are still able to travel to Highden will still form part of the residential programme. A group of graduates from the first six temple trainings ( many of whom are already in New Zealand ) will come and support the mandala on the ground at Highden.  Another larger group will hold space from wherever they are around the world.  This will anchor the energy and provide a resource for the virtual temples. This is so alive and vibrating with joy. It makes it possible for those who are deeply called at this time - to fully land their souls as well as calling in the temples as a global group, in resonance with the cosmic energy alignments available. How will you spend the rest of 2020? If this is resonating for you; If this is how Wild Love is calling for you to emerge…then please join us in the fire. Designed to cover all aspects of conscious sacred living. It is for those who have already made considerable progress on their path of liberation and embodiment. The Temple Training provides the opportunity to demonstrate together the next step forward in the anchoring of the modern Temple. This is not just an online workshop but an actual living experience in group soul - be part of the source code of creative, loving, shamanic, ecstatic community. ........ THE CURRICULUM Will focus on five major areas : Awareness: - Meditation, Cosmology, Astrology, Rayology, Soul Fusion, The Void Eros: - Life force Activation, Polarity & Magnetism, Tantric Sexuality, Magic & Rituals Community: - Love & Relationship, Group Soul & Group Initiation, Living as Organism Creativity: - Unique self & Life Purpose, Synergy, Money and the Economics of Love Earth:- Shamanism, Earth energies, Working with Devas, Planetary Kundalini, Initiations & Ceremonies The Temple Training Seven - The Magic. Earth Mandala. In residence at Highden and simultaneously all over the world. On the Innernet,  the  Internet and fully Incarnate. This is soul initiation work and requires three things of you. 1.That it is a definite inner calling - a vocation to be available in service to the world through the deepest part of you. 2.That you make a real commitment of time, energy and money to the process. This will involve preparation work for an initiatory journey as well as making it a priority for the six week duration of the Temple. This will require a minimum of four hours a day, five days a week. Time zones may require you to break your normal routines. 3.That you are willing to be the fullest expression of your soul sovereignty while at the same time giving your consent in full surrender to the mystery that wants to dance us all. Here is what you can expect; A deeply intimate and transformative journey of soul initiation  over six weeks from Sep 28 to Nov 6 2020 ( plus a preparatory week starting on Sep 21 Equinox ) - You will join a mandala of no more than 24 and a pod group of four. - You will have daily ( Mon-Fri ) meditations, pod groups and mandala meetings. - You will have a live transmission each day from Bruce Lyon, Janine Ma-Ree and/or other guest teachers. You will be supported by Rex Rafiq, Winter Icely, Arpana Ashisha, Dane Tomas, Raffaelo Manacorda, Jasmeen  Hanna, Amber Ra, and many others in the wider field. - You will have daily practices, rituals and interactive group processes. - There will be regular temples and rituals for the whole field. - You will have relevant reading and resource material to support the teachings over six weeks. -You will have a copy of your astrology chart and human design. - You will have a one hour consultation with a member of the teaching staff. - You will have the support of the mandala on the ground at Highden as well as the more than 100 graduates of the Temple Training vibrating all around the world. - You will also be connected to other people in your time zones, geographical location and the possibility of local gatherings. We want to make this initiatory journey as accessible as possible to those who are really called to it. We also acknowledge there are deep inequities in global economics. What we need to make this Earth Mandala Temple viable is US$1750 pp. ( Our In residence six week Temple is  US$6250 ). We want to open our hearts in trusting the generosity of the one global heart. This is not a transactional exchange but a shared responsibility in creating a better world. A huge input freely given by so many for so long now makes this possible. So, following suggestions from tribe, we will explore a sliding scale from US $1500- $2500. Contribute at the level your heart calls you to. We will let you know how this works and any overflow will support scholarships and the temple. We are making this online Temple available this year in response to the unique  inner and outer circumstances and we have no idea whether it will be available again. The next round of residential Temple Trainings at Highden begins in February 2021. Graduates of the online temple will be eligible to attend a future temple training at Highden in person. To Register; What is Soul Initiation? Landing The Temples "The temples are not just places of refuge for those fleeing a civilisation in decline or looking for an alternative culture within the prevailing system. They are more radical than that. They are the very breath of the new arriving. They are not a place to retreat but to advance in a new direction; towards the earth. Towards the earth, not as mother but lover. They are landed by free souls who have liberated themselves from the gravity of survival and necessity, yet have come back to kiss the ground, to co-create and listen to that which has been waiting in their own bodies and the earth itself, longing to be met with love and danced in freedom."

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