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ISTA Egypt SSSEx Level 1 - on the River Nile

Mon, 03 Dec


Sailboat on the River Nile

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ISTA Egypt SSSEx Level 1 - on the River Nile
ISTA Egypt SSSEx Level 1 - on the River Nile

Time & Location

03 Dec 2018, 3:00 pm – 10 Dec 2018, 3:00 pm

Sailboat on the River Nile, Luxor, Egypt

About the event

This seven day ISTA Level One finds itself in a most unique setting. On a boat sailing on the River Nile in Egypt. We journey with the land and on the water to the heart of magic, sacred sexuality and ancient ritual.

{A prior 3 day journey to visit the major temples around Luxor can be booked separately to the level one. Please contact Aleasha or Jasmeen for more information on this.}

Application for this SSSEx Training can be made with this form:

The sacred:

Egypt has held the sacred for millennia, as well as some of the most ancient formulas of alchemy through transforming life force energy into the tangible and experienced. This one week training is a combination of ancient rituals with the breakthrough edge of modern science and phycology through living experiences, embodiment practices and shamanic transformation.

In the dual nature of all, the masculine and feminine within are often in separation, dissonance and even war. In the healthy integration of these two forces love, power and freedom begin to emerge and radically shift peoples lives and experiences.

In repatterining old belief systems, emotional patterns and false stories of self and others, an incredible surge of new life force moves through the body creating new pathways for a more loving and extra ordinary way of living. Learning healthy boundaries, saying yes and no and creating a new relationship with the Divine mother and father are part of the course.

This land, the water, the fire, the stars and the breath of life support us to sail into some deep mysteries of love and truth.

Who is this training for?

Everyone above the age of 18.

Attendees include those from the various paths. The entire course is designed to support all individuals to find, feel, claim, and express their highest life expression. If it is your truth, It is possible to complete the entire training/experience without touching another person. How do we fully take back our power as well as support others to live free?

Below is a partial list of topics covered:

Intention and Invocation

Authenticating the Moment

Ethics-Appropriate Instruction and Sharing

Creating and Holding Sacred Space with Ritual and Ceremony

Identifying needs; creating safety and emotional support

Sharing challenges and insights

Boundary Identification and Healing

Giver/Receiver Responsibility

Being Aware of Transference

Self-conscious Awareness and Monitoring your Ego

Making and Keeping Agreements

Insights for working with men, women and couples

Consistently checking in with feelings

Healing the Wounded Masculine

Healing Fear, Jealousy and Competition

Embodying the Divine Masculine and Feminine

Integration of the Inner Mature Woman and Man

Owning our Humanity, one’s desires and the ability to manifest

Clearing Emotional Blocks

Handling Emotional Breakthroughs

Bioenergetics, Breathwork

Authenticizing the Moment

Anchoring, Grounding and Sustaining Healing Change

Healing Religious and Social Dogma

Worldwide Culture

Control and Fear, Suspicion around Pleasure

Getting out of Judgment and back to Love

Empathic Listening and Touch

Additional Presentations:

Earth Medicine

Safety: Personal, Public, Legal

The Sacred Inner Union

Using Tantra to Birth Your Dreams

The Power of Breathwork

The History of the temple arts.

A team of skilled temple arts faculty will share, inspire, guide and support you to bring light to the shadows where your power awaits to be reclaimed.

Bruce Lyon:

Leading this training is Bruce Lyon, he loves to explore the places where the personal, planetary and cosmic journey meet, and to guide others on their initiatory journey into the life force that lies behind both the esoteric and erotic dimensions of love.

His chosen spiritual path was the TransHimalayan tradition but he has a background in many different pathways and trained with many teachers. In 2000 he co-founded Shamballa School ( – and has taught extensively around the world for the last decade. He has degrees in ecology, psychology, astrology, and the esoteric arts and sciences.

Jasmeen Hana:

Jasmeen Hana is of Egyptian origin. From a young age she has been involved in the ancient mysteries and it has taken her on a journey through the world. Her studies include a BA in communications - Theatre Studies. She has Diplomas in Yoga- Ayurveda and Tantra. She is currently facilitating in the International School of Temple Arts and also offers a variety of her own workshops especially around the Egyptian Mysteries. Her passion is to resurrect the ancient mystery schools and living ceremonies. She works passionately with women, couples and groups to re-awaken life force, power and joy.

Estera Saraswati:

Estera teaches temple and tantric arts. She is also a skilful healer and priestess. As a sacred activist, visioning and midwifing New Earth blueprint based on non violence and deep compassion principle, she remains committed to self-liberation spiritual path as well as following calls from a world and Gaia. Personally she practices Tibetan tantric buddhism path. She is a mother of two young boys, giving home lotus birth to in a non-assisted way. Teachings about birth and death are her core offerings along with sacred tantra and shadow transformation. She supports in accessing and owning power wisely for the benefit of all beings, standing up for reclamation of sacred feminine and masculine power. Her main inspirations are three befriended communities: Tamera (community of love free from fear), Tara Mandala (traditional spiritual path) and ISTA (personal empowerment & embodied spirituality). She is with ISTA since 2010, after having a break and giving two births, she joined faculty in 2015. She leads her assisting team, mentoring individual growth and also experimenting with sacred living community. Born in Poland, nationality: planetarian.


1700€ early bird till the end of August,

1850€ full price,

ISTA repeats at 1280€, assistants at 1000€

Egyptian nationals are being offered a very special rate of 550€

A deposit of 500€ is required to hold your spot, the balance is due November 11th.

The boat contains twin cabins for every two people to share including a bathroom per pair.

The food is delicious locally sourced food and water and all drinks are included.

Airport pickup is included from Luxor airport

If you decide to fly into Marsa Alam or Hurghada a private taxi can be sent to pick you up for the price of 35 dollars. There are many cheap airlines that fly to those airports from European cities. The taxi ride is about 3.5 hours long.

Upon application you will receive a list of what to bring, supplies and information on local conditions.

Application can be made with this form:

Link to the Facebook invite:

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